All good things are free and wild

Here, you can see a small sample of my approach to the value of wildlife through wildlife art and bioinspired pieces.

Sometimes, science can not explain data, and art does it.

With each purchase, you allocate a variable percentage of funds to the Little Owl Project.

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Select the work of your interest in the Wildlife Art section and place your order by mail.
I send work all over the world with the higest standards, security and customs policies.

All works shown on this page are property of Manuel Quirós Galdón
and its sale and total or partial reproduction are expressly prohibited.


2017 Individual at the Ibero América Europa Foundation, Madrid

2013 Virtual exhibition on portrait photography (people and other fauna

2011 Individual in the Diario de Ibiza room, Ibiza

2010 Individual in Comillas Town Hall, Cantabria

2009 Collective at Campos de Retana Gallery, Madrid

2008 Individual exhibition at Galería Maes, Madrid

2007 Individual exhibition Seabirds in IberCaja, Asturias

2006 Individual exhibition at Iber Caja (Guadalajara)

Individual exhibition at Caja Madrid (Madrid)

Admitted to WNAG (World Nature Artists Group, USA).

Collective, Casa de Vacas (Madrid)

Urculo Award (Recoletos Group)

2005 Individual exhibition Casa del Reloj (Ayto. de Madrid)

2002-05 Develops his activity in the studio of the artist Jorge Castillo